DCAA approves CaVU’s accounting system
CaVU earns facility clearance from the Defense Security Service
CaVU joins ARINC in support of SSC Pacific/PMW 170 performing on the Emerging Navigation Technology Contract.
CaVU joins ARINC Engineering Services, LLC in support of NAVAIR (PMW 268)
CaVU awarded contract to perform Human Resource Consulting for Advantech GS
CaVU joins Systems Research and Applications Corporation (SRA) team in support of PEO C4I and PMW 160
CaVU awarded contract to perform Human Resource Consulting for Industry partner Advantech GS
CaVU joins Seaport-e IDIQ Zone 6
CaVU is Born!
CaVU is proud to announce our formation as a California S-Corporation. A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. CaVU provides an array of services to DoD and Commercial clients